Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Today's Breakfast Beverage: Chocolate Milk!

Am I the only one who still gets pretty excited about making my own chocolate milk? I mean, here I am, a grown woman, and the second my mom buys a big thing of unsweetened cocoa powder, the first thing I want to do is make a tall glass of chocolate milk.

I mentioned in my previous blog post that I recently found a way to make extremely delicious coffee with cocoa in it. Well, this morning, I made some tasty chocolate milk. The first time I tried to make chocolate milk, it was a bit of a failure. The cocoa powder floated to the surface in clumps and made the whole experience pretty dissatisfying. So today, I mixed some cocoa with some sugar and then slowed down the whole "add milk" process. The result: chocolate milk that I gulped down within five minutes! It was so great I just had to take to the internet and share.


1 cup  milk
1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp brown sugar


1. Mix the cocoa powder and brown sugar together. You can use white sugar instead, but my family has been on a health kick and my mom is convinced that switching from white to brown sugar will be the solution to our unhealthy sweet tooth habits.

2. Pour about a quarter cup of milk into the cocoa-sugar mixture. Really stir that mixture. I'm talking stir it hard. You might see floating clumps; I did. So I zapped it in the microwave for 10 seconds, just long enough to warm it up a bit but not long enough to make the milk uncomfortably hot.

3. Continue stirring until most or all of the clumps are gone. When that happens, pour in the rest of your milk. Stir again, and you should have a relatively clump-free glass of chocolate milk. You may still have a little clump or two in your glass, but because it's been mixed with sugar, it's actually not so bad.

4. Enjoy your chocolate milk and maybe reminisce about the good ol' days when you raced into the kitchen every morning to a glass of chocolate milk that your parents made for you.

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