Monday, April 11, 2016

Baking Soda = Quick "Dry Clean" Hair Fix

I may just be the world's biggest procrastinator. I had a whole morning all to myself to do everything I need to -- laundry, shower, housekeeping and such. Theoretically, I have enough time to do all of the above and still have some leisure time to continue binge watching my favorite shows on Netflix. However, I made the royally horrible mistake of starting my night with the binge watching, so when I looked at the clock after a few episodes, I realized I had just half an hour before my butt had to be in the office.

Now, I'm a pretty low-maintenance gal, but I'm not so low-maintenance that I can shower, get dressed, and look presentable in 15 minutes to be at work on time. I considered not washing my hair, but when I looked in the mirror... well... yikes. It was gross and greasy since I hadn't washed my hair yesterday either. I certainly didn't have time to give my hair a wash and be at work on time. Luckily, I remembered that baking soda can absorb the oil in a pinch, so I went in the kitchen, grabbed the box of baking soda, and got to work. The end product wasn't nearly as nice as I would have liked, but it was significantly better. It was good enough for me to decide that this was as presentable as I was going to get today.

Here's what I did:

1. Brush out your hair to get out all the knots and tangles. This makes your hair much easier to work with.

2. Use your finger tips to massage your head gently. This loosens up the oil on your head and also helps add just the tiniest bit of volume. This step may sound counter-intuitive; after all, why try to make your hair look even greasier? But trust me; this step is worth it.

3. Add about a tablespoon's worth of baking soda into the palm of your hand. You can sprinkle a little bit of baking soda on your roots before this, too, if you want. Rub your hands together to coat your hands in baking soda, and run your fingers through your hair. Make sure you focus a lot of the baking soda on the roots. Section your hair in different ways to make sure you get as much of your roots as possible. I had to do this step twice to get enough grease out of my hair.
NOTE: This step will get messy. I suggest doing this whole thing before you get dressed.

4. At this point, your hair should look a little less greasy. I'm not saying it's going to get all of the grease out of your hair -- it certainly didn't get it all out of mine. But it should do just good enough of a job to look somewhat presentable. I gave my hair another brush to shake out any excess baking soda, and then tossed my hair a little bit for volume.

5. Because baking soda does have a bit of a smell, I masked it with a Bath and Body Works body spray. I sprayed their Sweet Pea scent just above my head (not on my hair; that would be a little much), and put a coat of coconut oil lotion on my neck and face. It was just subtle enough to cover up the (kind of smelly) baking soda scent.
NOTE: I chose to mask the smell because it was enough to bother me. However, if the smell doesn't bother you, then this step isn't completely necessary. And if you do decide to also mask the smell with a body spray or perfume, choose one you actually like. Also make sure that you won't be around people that may be sensitive to perfumes.


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