Thursday, January 5, 2017

New Year, New Me! (Again)

I know, I know. You, me, and the rest of the world has either heard it or said it a thousand times before -- New year, new me! And each time, we promise ourselves that we mean it this time. For me, I mean it for a maximum of two weeks before I decide that "new me" is just too hard to work on when I have to go through real life at the same time. Generally, my "new me" that I resolve to work on is a new and fitter me. Like many other people out there, I've got a bit more belly than I'd like. However, getting rid of all that extra belly is pretty tough when I have so many other life obligations.

That's why this year, I consulted the help of technology. More specifically, an app on my phone. That's right. When it comes to a fitness-themed (and other-themed, too, I'm sure) resolution of 'new year, new me,' there's an app for that!

Before I get into that, though, let me tell you all the try-and-fails that I attempted before turning to the app for help.

For the past year or so, I've been paying a gym membership fee. I think in the entire time that I've been a member at that gym, I actually visited the gym a total of five times. That basically means I've been giving the gym free money for the better part of the past year. This year, I wanted to change that. Sure, I could just cancel the membership and save myself a lot of money, but I figured it would be more worth it to just use the gym more frequently. So I went to the gym to get my run in. I ran a mile, did some half-hearted workouts, and then headed home. Honestly, it was incredibly unsatisfactory. Not only did I not really feel winded in the slightest by my gym time, but I didn't feel like I got anything out of my time there. The next day, I went back, ran an even faster mile, did a more thorough and vigorous workout, and felt a little more satisfied than I did the day before. Still, something was lacking. I was a little winded, but not enough to motivate me to go back. At the risk of sounding cocky, I can handle a pretty rigorous workout for someone who doesn't do much exercising. Of course, I've trained with Army soldiers before for three months. Then I got lazy and quit exercising. That's when things started to go downhill.

Then, I discovered this app. After years of not exercising, I downloaded the 30 Day Fitness Challenge App for Android. The nice thing about this app is that it has workouts for several different areas, including abs, butt, and arms. It also throws in cardio workouts, squat workouts, and push-up workouts. If that wasn't good enough, it also offers various levels of workouts, from beginner level 1 to advanced. Since I haven't worked out in a while, I started with a beginner level 1 workout for abs, arms, squats, and cardio. Everything can be done from the comfort of my own home, so I fired up my Netflix account, hit play on one of my shows, and got to work.

I was a little apprehensive about the beginner level 1 at first. I thought it'd be too easy, but boy, was I wrong. The workouts are deceptively short and easy, but after doing them, they prove to be quite the workout. My ab workout required me to do just 15 sit ups, 5 crunches, 5 leg raises, and a 10 second plank. By the end of it, I was definitely feeling it! Throughout the rest of my day, I definitely felt a little sore. The soreness was barely noticeable, but it was there. I don't know about you, but physically feeling the results of my workout (aka being sore) motivates me to continue.

I just completed my day 2 workout for the day, and I'm feeling my abs and legs more than ever. My arms are tingling a little, too, but the pain is mostly targeted in my abs and legs as of right now. Definitely looking forward to seeing results at the end of the 30 days!

Chao for now!