Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year's was, in a word, great

New Year's 2013, I was standing in the crowded streets of Times Square in an attempt to catch Taylor Swift live. Unfortunately, I saw and heard nothing. However, at least now I have the experience of standing in a crowd and trying not to think about the biting cold to add to my list of stories to tell my future children. The point is: I did something pretty cool last year, and I followed up this year with an even better experience: spending the entire New Year's day in the city with my boyfriend. 

So maybe I didn't stay up until midnight the night before to get my New Year's kiss. That was never the plan. One of my friends suggested going to New York on New Year's Eve and then finding somewhere to spend the night so that we'd already be in New York on the first, but... that was a no go. Dealing with expensive (and most likely fully booked) hotels and protective parents just for the sake of a midnight kiss? I don't think so. In fact, I'm glad I didn't go to Times Square on New Year's eve. Because I watched a brief clip of the New Year's performances live, I caught a glimpse of the Disney store that I might not have noticed otherwise. So I guess in retrospect, staying home that night only added to my experience on actual New Year's day. 

Our New Year's shenanigans included Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum, Toys R Us, and, of course, the Disney store. After getting our fill of the glorious tourist trap that is Times Square, we headed over to see Annie the musical. After falling down a couple stairs (hey, no pain, no gain, right?), we went to see the famous Rockefeller tree, where we witnessed a proposal and basked in some more of New York's magic. By the end of the night, we were worn out and ready for bed (well, I was, anyway. Can't speak for both of us). 

Long story short, I definitely had a great kick start to the new year. It's going to involve insane amounts of academic credits (maybe), getting heavily involved in theatre things, breaking some new year's resolutions, and an adventure book, but I'm looking forward to it all. Happy New Year.